on lead in the outdoors since 1994
Waterstone Outdoors has been selling outdoor gear and apparel in Fayetteville, WV since 1994. We are a humble home-town operation with a national reputation and a history of pioneering climbing in the New River Gorge. We’re here to harness the power of the outdoors to support our community, expand access to the outdoors and create economic impact.

Shop all of our favorite items now and get them delivered straight to your door. Check out our collection of climbing gear, camping gear, apparel and more.
Welcome to Fayetteville, West Virginia – a hidden gem nestled in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains, where adventure meets charm! If you're seeking a picturesque escape surrounded by nature's beauty, Fayetteville is the perfect destination. From the rugged landscapes of the New River Gorge to the quaint streets filled with local shops and eateries, this town invites you to explore a unique blend of outdoor thrills and small-town hospitality.